Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Arizona

"My Arizona"
Why I Love the Wild, Wild West

"I shut my eyes in order to see."
- Paul Gauguin

It's time for a trip down memory lane.

  I began my painting career by painting that which I love best, which is always a good place for an artist to begin.  We moved to Arizona nearly 25 years ago and I was immediately taken with the desert.

Where some see only rocks and dirt I see incredible beauty.  I love the sculptural shapes of the cacti and the way light plays on their forms.  I love the mystery of the desert by moonlight.

I love the plants that thrive in unbearable conditions... extreme temperatures and little water.  Their adaptations are an inspiration to my spirit to 'find a way' even in the most challenging of times.

I love the self-defenses of desert dwellers like thorns and needles, still their beauty screams 
'I dare you not to love me.'

I respect and admire the Mexican, Spanish and Native American cultures that came before me and give my state a look, a feel, a sound and a taste like no other.

I love the craftsmanship of Native American artists and their  respect for the land and animals.

But what I love most about Arizona is how its beauty and its people awoke the artist in me 
and inspired me to paint.  

A passion as strong as mine cannot be contained purely in the heart.  

Love leaving the soul is art.  

If you'd like to see more of my work, including more southwestern images, please visit my gallery at 

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